Jackson P. Brown

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I'm getting published!

I set up this site in 2018. Yes, I wanted a space to write my little anime and manga musings, but on the original bio I specifically stated that I wanted a space to document my writing journey and showcase some of my creative pieces as a portfolio. In my head, I imagined that someone would see what I wrote, and that a door would open because of it.

The first time this happened, it gave me my first writing gig, doing an article about Berserk for AnimeFeminist. This was due to my Black Women in Manga article that went viral a few years ago.

Last month, I received a very kind email from Michael Curran of Tangerine Press, who said that he stumbled across my blog ages ago and liked one of my posts so much that he saved it to his computer. After losing the site, he was able to find me again after some Googling, and asked if I would like to be published as part of the Press’s Walking Wounded series. We met up at his office in London and had a chat about the story behind my blog, my penname, and I got to see all the wonderful writers he has published in the past.

The post in question has since been removed from the site; I did this after the makeover two years’ ago. It’s one of the opening chapters to Rye Lane, a coming-of-age story set in Peckham that I was unable to finish due to other story commitments, so I’m so happy that it will get to see the light of day.

So, that’s how I got my first chapbook published. It’s a limited edition run, and can be purchased at the Tangerine Press website. The series features some other fantastic authors, so do check out their work as well.

I’m really grateful for the opportunity and I hope it leads to more!

In other news, I’m due to have my first face-to-face meeting with my editor later this month and I’m so excited. I did another major edit of TWENTY-NINETEEN as per his recommendations, and we both agreed that I may be nearing the end of my edits. He explained the process of getting a book edited, and who it goes to next in the production line. There’s still a little way to go until I see the book published, but I’m very excited for it.

In other news, I decided to upload a rejected novelette on the site. So please enjoy HOMEMAIDS.

And, I figured that a potential reason behind THE SCARLET SOCIETY’s low views is perhaps due to the page length? So I cut up the chapters to make it easier to read.

2020 was great for me writing wise, and 2021 has been even better. For the first in a long time, I’m looking forward to what’s in store for my writing career. And please remember to support Black Girl Writers! I’ve got some amazing things planned for it.